Anna Kroll ‘23 (in collaboration with Chloe Engel)
Intermedia and Digital Art MFA, UMBC
I Want to Be, 2021
Performances May 14, May 28, and June 25
A series of performances that occur via telephone conference call by Anna Kroll and Chloe Engel.
You dial the number provided on the date that you’re supposed to.
You close your eyes and listen.
You enter a room.
There are other people in the room. We are in the room with you.
We tell you how the room is built,
What the room contains
What contains the room
What happens in the room
and how it will eventually all be destroyed.
You listen.
Every call is a new room.
Call (760) 548-9513
Friday, May 14, 7 pm (transcript)
Friday, May 28, 7 pm
Friday, June 25, 7 pm (transcript)
If you’d like to read The Room instead, a link to a live transcription will be posted on each performance event page closer to the date of the event.
In each performance, Kroll and Engel navigate a score in which they co-imagine events in a room. These are improvisational, spoken performances that have developed out of their collaborative practice of negotiating and refining scores to create imaginary realities. To attend the performance audience members call a phone number at a specific time, hear a welcome message and enter the “space”. A live captioned version will also be simultaneously available.